the raven's call
I can hear her call from the dusk black wind
I can hear her call from deep within
Raven with your black eyes, who do you call?
Raven with your wide wings, who do you call?
Create experiences
Experimental, exploratory
Tantalize our senses
Broaden our range of perception
Adjust the measurable to immeasurable
Adapt the familiar and become boundless
Unbind, release, activate, stimulate
Ignite the fire
Vitalize the experience
What’s that? Definitive truth – challenge it
What’s that? Finite thought – terminate it
Are we progressing or regressing
Climb to the top of the mountain and bow to the trees as your pass
Breathe with them, release.
A song in my mind, I hear you from the inside
“Mess it up till it all feels right”
I can hear her call from the dusk black wind
I can hear her call from deep within
Raven with your black eyes, who do you call?
Raven with your wide wings, who do you call?
All of us
Are you listening
I hear her call
My energy is bottomless
I doesn’t matter how many runs I run
How fast I go
It doesn’t matter show many downward dogs I flow
I’ve been cracked
Pulled into a frenzied, delirious tornado calm
Where I can see the gleaming pinnacle
The crest, the blossom, the flood
I’ve been pulled where I can see it so clear
Raven pull me closer
Your energy is mine
A silver sliver, it cuts but it’s fine
An immense heat so hot it will frighten
It’s just my spirit on the outside now
A tornado that doesn’t harm but swirls you into it
I’ll show you the pinnacle
I can hear her call from the dusk black wind
I can hear her call from deep within
Raven with your black eyes, who do you call?
Raven with your wide wings, who do you call?
the message of the hawk
the perfect dance
Today I cannot ignore the wild woman in me.
Today I cannot ignore the message and connection
Today I cannot ignore the universe that speaks
No longer can I sleep
I cannot hide, my mind is too wide
I am a receptacle, pour into me
I am a magnet, let me feel you
Messages materialize, I will follow
Teach me to understand so I can share
I am here
I am listening
The cosmos that collide in synchronicity divine
I’m in the wind
I’m in the stars
I am the universe
Está muy claro…todo está totalmente claro.
Once bold and beautifully graceful in flight
You succumbed
Goodbye perfection.
Yesterday I drove over you.
I gasped as I hurtled by
Feeling the lump in my stomach, the sharpness in my heart, a tightening in my throat
I was gone...
Goodbye stalwart creature of the sky
Your body soft and strong, enveloped in feathers that sway and flounder
An intricate and flawless masterpiece consigned to the cold pavement
Discarded and abandoned
Shaken and rattled
Lurching under every vehicle
Twisting and rolling like a forgotten tumbleweed
Relinquished power laid down
Forgotten that your blood pumped fast only moments before
That your heart shined
That you are me and that I am you
I was gone…
Why didn’t I stop
Why didn’t I turn around
Why didn’t I pick you up like a baby and cradle you in my arms
What didn’t I tell you I love you
Why didn’t I tell you that you were still free
That you were still being lifted by the wind
That we were still together
That I honour you
That you give me hope on my dark days
Why didn’t I stop
What didn’t I thank you because when I see you I am renewed with possibility
Why didn’t I tell you that your majestic flight keeps hopes and dreams alive
That you did not die in vain
That you
The perfect dance
One day later I pass your spot where you transformed. Where I left you to lay.
Red tailed hawk, I see you again
Now SHE has come, your sister, to cleanse the space
I see her crouching there, head down, nestled in feathers, praying for you and I knew, I knew she was there for you
She was there to give you courage and soul flight
To tell you to trust in your next path
To trust like always before in the wind
To trust in the breath of the universe that’s blowing us forward.
To believe
Hours later, I see her again, still present.
Your sister
My sister
The messenger
This time, gliding in the Autumn gusts that persist
Divinity revealed
Lingering, persevering
She prevails on your soul to believe
Ascend hawk spirit
At this precious moment I saw
Hawk spirit you were taking flight
And I knew this
Thank you for showing me this immaculate journey so clearly
Wild woman wisdom
In a split second of observation
There is only knowing
We are one
We are intertwined
She is me and I am her
I carry you hawk spirit
With utter respect
With grace and magnificence
We move together with absoluteness
With clarity.
With love.
modern dancers
It’s like a chest bump
And I’m falling through the air in slow motion
Like a modern dance.
Emotional, out of body, mauve silk wrapping my throat and the movement sighs
I brought you in
You brought me in
We danced and we pushed away.
I’m the one holding on too tight
Because in the dance I am perched on one of your shoulders and you carry me proudly
A parade.
I would be targeted with sun
The birds would chirp as we strolled by
Laughter too sugary
Our walk too expensive
It’s just a dance, I promise
And it’s not what I want.
I want bare feet on dirt
And the overpowering sound of the river’s flow
The sun on our faces while we sit with our backs to a tree
My hand in yours
Our eyes aglow.
But I don’t know where that dance is
Feel my other dance to understand
There’s no mauve silk there
There’s netting and chains and rope I want off my neck.
I’ve been on a sidewalk where I was trampled, and people walked all over me
I grabbed ankles and edges of pants
My eyes pleaded, pick me up
And those people kicked and progressed
And they looked back disgusted and laughed.
I’m leaving that dance and finding my new steps
When I’m shown the caring eyes, the hand holds, the touch to my hair
I know that’s what I need to melt into safety
And I’m so scared it might slip away
So, you look away and I pull your chin back and you look away
And I pull
And that pull is a push is a push is a push
And it’s our faces back and forth in a desperate dance again
Tell me dancer where is the peaceful place for us?
Is it me that’s missing something?
I know I have holes.
Is it you afraid of love that’s messy and real and turbulent?
Is it that my heart is pumping and thumping on the outside of my chest and in my hands and is it so horrific?
I would look away too
I would fall dramatically to the ground and curl up.
How do I show you that my heart is inside me even though it bleeds sometimes?
Even though it dances on the outside too.
How do I show you my arms are open to let my dancer in?
How do I show you the calm inside my eyes?
Because always there is, behind the calm, the past
Where do I find a touch that doesn’t make you prickle?
I’m like a cat that claws, and I’m sorry
It’s my pull
Please don’t toss me away, watch me slip and slide across the floor
I’ll look up with big eyes and a soft meow
I didn’t mean it
But I’m only an animal
With instinct and past wounds and I’ll slink back
Shrug, I’m trying to navigate the past
Sashay back into arms of violet silk around my waist and maybe now I will be different and not misunderstood
And a pull can be a nudge instead.
In time.
In trust.
In healing.
In understanding.
In reciprocal love of the broken shards, we all contain.