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Blurry Lights


am the wind

I am the wind 

That shakes you

I am the flame that burns you and reminds you to stay awake

I am the words that spill from you as you close your eyes to dream

I am the dreams that make you open your arms to share 

I am you. 


I am your voice that won’t stand for hurt 

I am your driver that shows you how to unlearn

I am your heart that shows you love

I am your eyes that see light where there has been darkness

I am your voice

I am your spirit 

I am your roots

I am you. 


All we are is all we are. 

We are bone and blood. 

We are soil and cells. 

We are energy. 

We are knowing. 

sister of the frosted trees

The moon is a silhouette above the crown of her head

A perfect slicing moon that juts from the indigo sky

Three tiny stars dance around it

The walls are whitewashed

Slivers of black scratching through worn wood.


She lays on the floor

Face up


Still as the old forest breath that remains, buried deep within the crevasses of the wood planks

She may as well be that wood.

Whitewashed herself, on top in her faded lace dress

Her hair snowy, fanned bohemian around her thin face 

A small silver fox, delicate and wise 




Sister of the frosted trees 

Keeper of the secrets.


The letters and words spill around her

She looks only with her third eye as her lids are heavy, her eyes turned inward.

She quiets her worldly earthy senses

Tapping deep into spirit 

Spiral depth 

A white foam wave covers her, the ancient sea.


She goes in deep into the wisdom of the sea and the trees

Sinking past the walls, past the floorboards 

Deep into dust, deep into the mud

The white light whirls away

And there is calm.


Delicate tiny hands find her there.

Soft downy feather touch

Hands to her skin

They hold her face. 

“Time, time, time is now,” they sing

They don’t beckon

Their voices sigh with hushed, muted, soothing light 

Tiny angels, puppy breaths dancing on her eyelids

“You know,” they breathe. 

Trails of understanding like dreamy, warm mist 

“Delve deeper,” they nudge 

And she goes…

Deep into the mud away from the bright white.

It is soft and warm 

Not heavy, but embracing.





Her fingers tingle as the words take hold 

Letter after letter flowing up into her fingertips like magic gold pixie dust

They charge, they electrify

They snap through her body.

Angel guides

Carry her.

They teeter, seesaw and whisper above her

Glimmering and shinning as they cover her with dewdrop kisses.

They perch above her chest and use a tiny key to open the cage around her heart

It frees open easily for her and a bouquet of hundreds of pink spring peonies burst out.

She sighs with a flood as this melding of gold and flowers and feather kisses and sea and mud and old wisdom swim around her and in her 

Her nose twitches like a sweet little silver fox

The flowers scent filling her lungs

And her ears point to the moon.


All senses edge back

The sea foams glow

The wood nods 

And the Energy… 

It cascades fresh clean cool river water through her toes, up her spine and out through the crown Dancing out of every hair on her head 

The stars blink back and she starts to focus 

She stares out to the sky 

Wide eyed now



In Harmony with that all that was and all that will be

Winter Fox
Image by okeykat

Only a breath

Only a moment in time 

Only a speck

A star

A wink

A clatter

A snap

A shrug


Only a spark.


Lay down your discomfort of gratitude 

And be.

Be present

Be all of you. 


Only dust 

Only water

Only dirt, soil, blood


An etch

Blurred lines

Smudged ink

Only a dream

Only an idea.


Only frost, smog, steam

Only a drop of dew

Only a seed.


Only a miracle ensconced in skin 

Only a miracle in 





A shiver

A sting

A sigh

Miniscule, ephemeral flashes

Temporary, transient acts


Be them

Feel them 

See them 

Celebrate them


Lay down your discomfort of gratitude 

And be.

Be present

Be all of you 

Worship your day

Your existence 


Take time 

To listen

To laugh

To gaze

To bathe 

To relish in these pure existential moments 

Your breath in and out

These are the moments 

And YOU HAVE arrived.

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